Today is "Green Monday", a national holiday in Cyprus. The day marks the beginning of the 50 day countdown before Easter (Greek Easter is a week after the Easter in the US this year) and the start of the fasting period. No meat, other than fish, is to be eaten on this day. We went to Themis (Demetris' brother) and Maria's house for the afternoon meal. They grilled squid and octopus. I said "no thank you" to that. As Alex often says to me after I cook, "that looks really good but I'm not going to eat it." Sorry, but squid and octopus don't even look good to me. But, I'm not a fish/seafood eater anyway. We also had lots of vegetables. It is after all
Green Monday. The tradition for this day is that the kids go to fields and fly kites. It was a cloudy, windy day with occasional showers but Themis and Michalis (Demetris' brother-in-law) did manage to each get a kite flying.
I finally have a blonde child. Electra, Alex, and Nayia in carnival wigs |
Tatiana with her kite. It says "Apoel", their favorite soccer team from Nicosia. |
Sofia in the field with her kitty |
Uncle Michalis flying the kite. |